Roof Frame Edit window
- Add Roof Frame (link is to a different page )

Also see :
- Custom members (topic)
- Roof Frame Setup (defaults for 1st roof frame added) (
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------ General settings ------
Piecemark prefix: Any characters that you want to begin the member piecemark that will be assigned to the roof frame that you are adding. The piecemark will be assigned when you press the " OK " button.
This applies to Add Roof Frame operations. For example, if you were to type in RF_ here, and this is the 89th member you have added, SDS2 piecemarking may add 89 after this prefix, thus assigning your new roof frame the piecemark RF_89 .
If you edit a roof frame and change its piecemark prefix, the old piecemark will continue to be used.
SDS2 piecemarking will not use the prefix entered here if the roof frame you are adding is exactly like another roof frame with a different prefix. The program will, instead, assign the new roof frame the same piecemark that was assigned to the previously added roof frame.
Sequence: Any sequence name from the Sequence Names setup list can be entered. Either type the sequence, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) and double-click any sequence name that is on the list.
Tip: If you want to add a new sequence so that it can be selected here, you should first increase the number of " Maximum sequences " that are available.
Frame rotation: Auto or .
Auto . This is the rotation around the primary 1 support .
Auto (checked) ' lets the Roof Frame program automatically determine the rotation.
Auto (not checked) ' lets you enter the number of degrees of rotation that you want.
Opening side: NS or FS . This sets the location of the primary 2 support with respect to the primary 1 support. Two work points position the primary 1 support's location. The 1st point located sets the left end of the primary 1 support.
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Where X is black , near side is below or to the right of the member line. Where X is green , near side is on the top or left. Unlike a beam, column or brace, the left end of a custom member is the 1st point that was located when the custom member was added. The near side of a custom member depends on its left-end location. |
' NS ' places the opening to the near side of the primary 1 support. This means that the primary 2 support will be to the near side of the primary 1 support. The toe(s) of a channel or angle primary 1 support will point FS, away from the opening. The toe(s) of a channel or angle primary 2 support will point NS, also away from the opening.
' FS ' places the opening to the far side of the primary 1 support. This means that the primary 2 support will be to the far side of the primary 1 support. The toe(s) of a channel or angle primary 1 support will point NS, away from the opening. The toe(s) of a channel or angle primary 2 support will point FS, also away from the opening.
Related settings: The approximate size of the opening is the " WP-WP length: actual " by the " Dimension between primary ."
Secondary quantity: 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 .
' 0 ' results in a roof frame that has only a primary 1 support .
' 1 ' or ' 2 ' or ' 3 ' or ' 4 ' or ' 5 ' results in a roof frame that has both a primary 1 support and a primary 2 support . The number specified is the number of secondary supports.
Secondary location: Actual or Plan .
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If you were to rotate the roof frame on the left so that both of its ends were at an elevation of 128-6, it would look exactly like the roof frame on the right. |
' Actual ' sets secondary support " Dimensions " to be measured in the same plane as the slope of the roof frame.
' Plan ' sets secondary support " Dimensions " to be measured in the plane of a plan view.
Model complete date: read-only .. The " Model completed " status of this member can be set using Update Attributes . You cannot set the " Model complete date " here, on this window.
' **NOT SET** ' indicates that this window is fully editable.
' month day year ' indicates that all fields on this window are in a disabled , read-only state due to the " Model completed " date having been set on this member, using Update Attributes , not necessarily on the reported date.
Also see: " Model complete date "
WP-WP length plan: read-only . The work point-to-work point distance (in the primary dimension " Units ") spanned by the roof frame's primary 1 support workline in a plan view, ignoring elevation. This distance is calculated from the X and Y (but not Z) global coordinates of the work points located when the roof frame was added .
Note: If the roof frame's primary 1 support is sloped out of the plan view elevation, the distance reported here will not be the actual work point-to-work point length, but rather the length of that support as measured at a single elevation.
WP-WP length: actual: Read-only . The actual length of this roof frame's primary 1 support workline (in the primary dimension " Units "). This distance is calculated from the X and Y and Z global coordinates of the work points located when the roof frame was added .
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------ General primary support settings ------
Dimension between primary: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the inside face of primary support 1 to the inside face of primary support 2 . The inside faces are the faces of the primary supports that look inward, toward the roof frame opening. Primary support 1's inside face looks toward the primary 2 support. Primary support 2's inside face looks toward primary support 1.
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d = dimension between primary |
Channel and angle supports are toed away from the opening. The opening-side faces of channel and angle supports are the heels of the channels or angles. The roof frame " Opening side " can be to the ' NS ' or ' FS ' of the primary 1 support.
Left end elevation: The elevation (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the 1st work point that was located.
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To determine the left-end elevation on a roof frame in the 3D model, invoke Construction Line Add or a similar tool, select EXPT as the Locate option, then move the point location target to the work point at the left end of a roof frame and reference the Z coordinate reported in the X-Y-Z display . |
Unlike a beam, column or brace, the left-end work point of a roof frame is the 1st point that was located when the roof frame was added.
Right end elevation: The elevation (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the 2nd work point that was located.
To discover the right-end elevation on a roof frame in the 3D model, invoke Construction Line Add or a similar tool, select EXPT as the Locate option, then move the point location target to the work point at the right end of a roof frame and reference the Z coordinate reported in the X-Y-Z display .
Unlike a beam, column or brace, the right-end work point of a roof frame is the 2nd point that was located when the roof frame was added.
Primary 1 section size: angle , channel , HSS/TS are some acceptable shapes for the primary 1 support on a roof frame custom member. Other material types may also work.
Some Acceptable Material Types,
Roof Frame Primary 1 |
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To enter a section size: Either type in the section size that you want, or press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click any section that is listed. Validation only lets you enter a material that is listed in the local shape file . Also, if you enter a section size that is not available , validation opens a yes-no dialog with the warning, " The section size is not available from suppliers. Are you sure you want to use it? "
Primary 1 support material is placed so that its inside longitudinal face aligns with the two located work points . The inside face of the primary 1 support material faces the " Opening side " and looks toward the primary 2 support. The left end of the primary support 1 is the roof frame's 1st located work point .
Long leg: Horizontal or Vertical . This applies when an angle with unequal legs has been entered as the " Primary 1 section size ."
' Horizontal ' orients the long leg of the angle horizontally.
' Vertical ' orients the long leg of the angle vertically.
Steel grade: A36 or A572 or etc. The steel grade for the " Primary 1 section size " entered above.
Setup: The list of steel grades that are shown on the list box (
) for this field originate from the steel grade table at Home > Project Settings > Job that matches the material type of the primary 1 section. For example, if the primary 1 section is a channel, the list box is populated with steel grades from Home > Project Settings > Job > Channel Grades . For an angle primary 1 section, the list box is populated by steel grades from Home > Project Settings > Job > Angle Grades . HSS/TS are some acceptable shapes for the primary 2 support on a roof frame custom member. Other material types may also work. In order to get a primary 2 support, the " Secondary quantity " must be a number greater than 0.
Primary 2 section size: angle , channel , HSS/TS are some acceptable shapes for the primary 2 support on a roof frame custom member. Other material types may also work. In order to get a primary 2 support, the " Secondary quantity " must be a number greater than 0.
VIDEO ![]()
A roof frame's " Primary 1 section size " and " Primary 2 section size " are changed from angle to channel then back again. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)
Some Acceptable Material Types,
Roof Frame Primary 2To enter a section size: Either type in the section size that you want, or press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click any section that is listed. Validation only lets you enter a material that is listed in the local shape file . Also, if you enter a section size that is not available , validation opens a yes-no dialog with the warning, " The section size is not available from suppliers. Are you sure you want to use it? "
Tip: If you don't want a primary 2 support, set the " Secondary quantity " to ' 0 '.
Long leg: Same as " Long leg " for the primary 1 support, except that this applies to the " Primary 2 section size ."
Steel grade: Same as " Steel grade " for the primary 1 support, except that this applies to the " Primary 2 section size ."
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Left end settings ![]()
Right end settings ![]()
------ Primary 1 / Primary 2 ------
A roof frame can take four connections. The primary 1 support has a left- and right-end connection. The primary 2 support also has a left- and right-end connection. The instructions that follow apply to all four connections. Supporting member number: 0 or a whole number ( member number ).
' 0 ' indicates that there is no supporting member for this end of the primary 1 or primary 2 support.
A ' number ' identifies the member number of the member that supports this end of the primary 1 or primary 2 support. Information from this supporting member is read from, for example, to determine how the " Field clearance " is applied to a connection.
Connection type: Plain end or Saddle Clip or Strip vertical leg .
' Plain end ' permits you to apply a ' Field clearance '. No other connection settings are available for a ' Plain end '.
VIDEO ![]()
' Plain end ' and ' Saddle clip ' connection settings are strategically applied to create a connection that would otherwise not be supported. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.) ' Saddle clip ' allows you to enter an angle " Section size " a " Length of angle " and various other settings.
VIDEO ![]()
Saddle clip connection settings are explained and demonstrated. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.) ' Strip vertical leg ' cuts the vertical leg of an angle so that the horizontal leg can rest on the supporting member (" Supporting member number "). You can enter a " Setback " a " Field clearance " and a " Cut radius ."
VIDEO ![]()
Work points are located for a roof frame with ' Strip vert leg ' connections. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.) Section size: Any angle whose section size is listed in the local shape file . This applies when the " Connection type " is ' Saddle clip '.
To enter a section size: You can type in the angle section size that you want, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click a section size from the list of available angles. If the section you enter does not exist in the local shape file, validation will require you to make a different entry. The section size must be an angle in order for a saddle clip connection to be properly designed.
Long leg: Horizontal or Vertical . This applies when an angle with unequal legs has been entered as the " Section size " for the saddle clip connection.
' Horizontal ' orients the long leg of the angle horizontally. If the roof frame is sloping, it orients the long leg in the same plane as the roof frame.
' Vertical ' orients the long leg of the angle vertically. If the roof frame is sloping, it orients the long leg perpendicular to the plane of the roof frame.
Length of angle: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the outside edges of the saddle clip angle whose " Section size " is specified above. In other words, this is the length which that angle will be cut to.
VIDEO ![]()
A large " Length of angle " is specified along with a large " Horizontal offset ." This extends the left primary 1 saddle clip across the opening and beyond the left end of the primary 2 support, which has its " Connection type " set to ' Plain end '. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.) Vertical offset:
Auto or
Auto . The positive or negative offset from the top of the primary support to the top of the saddle clip angle. This applies when the " Connection type " is ' Saddle clip '.
In this example, the " Vertical offset " is equal to the leg thickness of the saddle clip, thus placing the bottom of the saddle clip flush with the top flange of the supporting beam. '
Auto ' offsets the saddle clip a distance that is equal to the leg thickness of the saddle clip. The example above shows an auto vertical offset.
Auto ' lets the user specify a positive or negative distance in the primary dimension " Units " or other units . An entry of ' 0 ' aligns the top of the saddle clip with the top of the primary support. A positive distance moves the saddle clip up. A negative distance moves the saddle clip down.
The vertical offset dimension runs perpendicular to the plane of the roof support custom member, vertically if the Left end elevation and Right end elevation of the roof frame are equal and the Frame rotation is ''. """""" 0
Horizontal offset:
Auto or
Auto . The positive or negative offset from the opening-side face of the primary support to the opening-side edge of the saddle clip. This applies when the " Connection type " is ' Saddle clip '.
VIDEO ![]()
A large " Length of angle " is specified along with a large " Horizontal offset ." This extends the left primary 1 saddle clip across the opening and beyond the left end of the primary 2 support, which has its " Connection type " set to ' Plain end '. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)
Auto ' offsets the saddle clip laterally so that it is centered on the primary support.
Auto ' lets the user specify a positive or negative distance in the primary dimension " Units " or other units . An entry of ' 0 ' aligns the opening-side edge of the saddle clip with the opening-side face of the primary support. A positive distance moves the saddle clip toward the opening (see " Opening side "). A negative distance moves the saddle clip away from the opening.
The horizontal offset dimension runs perpendicular to the length of the roof frame's primary supports, whose longitudinal direction is determined by the two located work points .
Weld size: The fillet weld size for shop welding the primary support to the saddle clip. Entering ' 0 ' removes the saddle clip welds.
Setback: The positive (+) or negative (-) distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that you want the end of the support to be set back from its setback-equals-zero location. This applies when the " Connection type " is ' Strip vertical leg '.
Tip: Adjust the " Setback " together with the " Field clearance " to properly fit the ' Strip vertical leg ' connection to the " Supporting member number ." ' 0 ' sets the end of the primary support at the center of the supporting member (" Supporting member number ").
' A positive (+) distance ' sets back the end of the primary support, thus shortening the primary support.
' A negative (-) distance ' extends the end of the primary support, thus shortening the primary support.
Field clearance: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The precise definition of " Field clearance " depends on the " Connection type ."
For a ' Plain end ' connection, the " Field clearance " is the distance between the " Supporting member number " and the primary support. ![]()
For a ' Saddle clip ' connection, the " Field clearance " is the distance between the " Supporting member number " and the vertical leg of the saddle clip. ![]()
For a ' Strip vertical leg ' connection, the " Field clearance " is the distance between the " Supporting member number " and the vertical leg of the primary support when the " Setback " is equal to ' 0 '. Cut radius: The radius of the cut that is made to this end of the primary support when the " Connection type " is ' Strip vertical leg '. This distance may be entered in the primary dimension " Units " or other units .
Steel grade: A36 or A572 or etc. This is the connection material steel grade when the " Connection type " is ' Saddle clip '. It applies to the " Section size " entered above.
Setup: If the grade of steel you want is not shown on the list box (
) for this field, you can use Home > Project Settings > Job > Angle Grades to add it to the list.
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Secondary support settings ![]()
Secondary 1 /
Secondary 2 /
Secondary 3 /
Secondary 4 /
Secondary 5 ------
" Secondary quantity " sets the number of secondary supports. A roof frame can as many as five secondary supports. Dimensions: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). Depending on the leaf you are in, this is the dimension to support 1 or dimension to support 2 or dimension to support 3 or etc. Whether this distance is measured as an actual dimension or a plan dimension depends on the choice made to " Secondary location ."
VIDEO ![]()
The secondary support " Dimensions " and " Toe direction " are adjusted on a roof frame with two angle secondary supports. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)
Dimension to support 1 Distance from the 1st work point located to support 1. Dimension to support 2 The distance from support 1 to support 2. Dimension to support 3 The distance from support 2 to support 3. Dimension to support 4 The distance from support 3 to support 4. Dimension to support 5 The distance from support 4 to support 5.
The 1st work point located establishes the left end of the roof frame. Support 1 is the left most support, support 2 is the next left most support, and so on ....
Measurements to and from a support are to/from the left most edge or face of that support.Section size: Angle , channel , HSS/TS are some acceptable shapes for a secondary support on a roof frame custom member. Other material types may also work.
Some Acceptable Material Types,
Secondary SupportsTo enter a section size: Either type in the section size that you want, or press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click any section that is listed. Validation only lets you enter a material that is listed in the local shape file . Also, if you enter a section size that is not available , validation opens a yes-no dialog with the warning, " The section size is not available from suppliers. Are you sure you want to use it? "
Long leg: This applies when an angle with unequal legs has been entered as the " Section size " for the secondary support.
' Horizontal ' orients the long leg of the angle horizontally. If the roof frame is sloping, it orients the long leg in the same plane as the roof frame.
' Vertical ' orients the long leg of the angle vertically. If the roof frame is sloping, it orients the long leg perpendicular to the roof frame.
Toe direction: IN or OUT . This applies when the " Section size " for the secondary support is an angle or a channel.
VIDEO ![]()
The secondary support " Dimensions " and " Toe direction " are adjusted on a roof frame with two angle secondary supports. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)
' IN ' points the toe(s) of the channel or angle toward the left end of the roof frame. That is, it points the toe(s) toward the 1st work point located .
' OUT ' points the toe(s) of the channel or angle away from the left end of the roof frame. That is, it points the toe(s) away from the 1st work point located.
Weld size: The fillet weld size for shop welding the secondary support to the primary 1 support and to the primary 2 support . Entering ' 0 ' removes the secondary support welds.
The " Weld size " entered here applies to both ends of the secondary support. Only one end in shown in this example. One end of a secondary support frames to primary support 1. The other end frames to primary support 2. Steel grade: A36 or A572 or etc. The steel grade for the secondary support " Section size " entered above.
Setup: The list of steel grades that are shown on the list box (
) for this field originate from the steel grade table at Home > Project Settings > Job that matches the material type of the secondary support. For example, if the secondary support is a channel, this list box is populated with steel grades from Home > Project Settings > Job > Channel Grades . For an angle secondary support, the list box is populated by steel grades from Home > Project Settings > Job > Angle Grades .
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"Properties" opens the Edit Properties window, on which you can make entries to custom properties . If, at the time it was created, your current Job was set to use a legacy flavor, the window that opens is named Custom Properties , not Edit Properties .
The Edit Properties window can also be used to read "
Log " entries or review or type "
Notes ."
The " Properties " button is disabled ( grayed out ) when a new custom member is being added.
Tip: Model > Member > Properties is an alternative to this button. It opens the Edit Properties window directly, without your first having to open a member edit window.
" Status " opens the Member Status Review window, which can give you additional information about this roof frame, and which you can use to enter status information.
"OK" (or the Enter key) generates the roof frame member per the settings entered on this window. If you are adding a new roof frame, located work points also influence the layout of the roof frame.
"Cancel" (or the Esc key) closes this window and ends the Add Roof Frame or Edit Roof Frame operation. If you were adding a new roof frame, no roof frame will be added. If you were editing an roof frame, the roof frame will remain unchanged.
"Reset" undoes any changes made since you first opened this window.
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